Marketing internship – PBO – Cape Town

Events coordinator – Palliative care provider – Johannesburg
June 17, 2017
International Affairs research – Research Institute – Johannesburg
June 17, 2017

Marketing internship – PBO – Cape Town


South Africa’s best-loved Breast Cancer Community Carer is the indispensable, tangible breast cancer Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) powering South Africa’s first mobile Mammography Unit and Educational Unit through our country, driving home the fact that ‘Early Detection Saves Lives’.


Cape Town


Cape Town branch < 5 employees

Nationwide > 20 employees


As an intern at this organization you will carry out the below tasks

  • Fundraising – create avenues for funding though campaigns, projects or in kind donations.
  • Events co-ordination – to run events , expo’s and gala events from booking, set up, event days, sponsorships, branded clothing stands, activities generally everything from a – z.
  • Campaigns – to create, organize, project manage and support campaigns created with both sponsors and our own to ensure the message and target are reached to maximize on the brand and its values.
  • Sponsorships – to create avenues for sponsorship, for both in kind and monetary.
  • Project Management – to create, run and execute projects form a – z for both client and the firm.
  • Sponsor relations – ensuring the sponsors are receiving their support with regards to MOU’s and contracts and to find additional avenues to ensure continued support.
  • Marketing – ensuring the brand is always marketed in the right place to the right people with the right message. This included all forms of media print, posters, radio, TV and social pages. To look for outside opportunities with in the marketing sector, to always stay ahead of the trends.
  • Brand management– the control and management of the content for Website twitter, facebook, newsletters.
  • Administration: – to ensure that all paper work, budgets etc., relating to any of the above and regardless of whether for the firm and any other projects which might arise, are produced timeously and according to the standards that the company requires.

You would be working alongside permanent marketing/event co-ordinators.

As the organization hosts/participates in quite a lot of events throughout the country, the intern needs to travel to Capetown, Knysna, etc, when it is required. The expenses of travel and accommodation are being paid by the organization.


Casual at the office – smart casual for some meetings


You should bring your own laptop with, although you can access some pc’s in the coworking space


R3000 per month

To apply for this job please visit